The Block

News — 7 years ago

Music to Work to: Mr Phomer

Originating from Portugal, Mr Phomer relocated to London to follow a full-time career as a designer and illustrator, making a loud entrance to the city when he reworked the majority of Supreme Kate Moss posters across London. Regularly working on both solo projects and collaborative ventures, the last few years have seen Mr Phomer partner with a wide range of brands including young upstarts such as The Basement and established giants including Beams.


With a knack for punchy slogans and politically charged artwork, his work is rooted in what’s going on around him, often with a certain amount of humour thrown in.

We caught up with Mr Phomer to briefly chat about how music drives and inspires his work.

Mr Phomer, 2017.
Mr Phomer, 2017.

How do you use music to help you work?

Music is a huge influence on my work, from using lyrics as direct quotes, inspiring my own writing, trying to put a visual version of a jazz beat on a cartoon, to working a lot with music artists on a regular basis. It’s a constant presence.

It not only helps me to pass the hours while I’m working, but it’s actually helped me to do what I do today. My first freelance gigs back in the day were all for music artists and that made me go full time head on.

Actually, just today I’m working on something for a huge American legend, Mr. Pete Rock, that’s really special to be blessed to be involved in.

Mr Phomer, Pins for WKNDRS and The Basement.
Mr Phomer, Pins for WKNDRS and The Basement.

Sum up your playlist in one sentence.

“One time for your mind.”

What vibe have you gone for?

Eclectic like my music taste, but more on the jazzy, electronic side of it. Chill, relaxed to not get too excited and want to get up and leave… Ah, also I think aging is making me softer. I tried to mix some more old school vibes with that new new and some local talent as well. Being a work playlist and not my “DJ” hard selection, but something somehow introspective, so it gives a good, clear, calm head space. It’s also tunes that inspire me and get some visuals in my head so I can get a good creative output from it.

Beams by Mr Phomer, 2015.
Beams by Mr Phomer, 2015.

Are you a headphones or speakers listener?

There isn’t a favourite there, it really just depends on the environment I’m in and on the mood to be honest. Obviously, if I’m working in a place that’s shared with others, I try to be civilized and put my headphones on lol, even though my short lived DJ background comes out sometimes and I think, “Man, I really wish these people could listen to this banger!” and like in a movie just sprout an impromptu party!

Mr Phomer, various custom typefaces.
Mr Phomer, various custom typefaces.

What’s your favorite track within this playlist?

It’s really hard for me to have one favourite thing. I’m not really a favourite one thing person; music, movies, colours. There’s too many good things out there in life to appreciate and I like to grow and evolve my taste – music and other.

But I do have to give a special nod to a song I just squeezed in there, even though it’s from an instrumental side project that I had the chance and pleasure to see in one of their rare live performances. It’s a song from the Beastie Boys, they have a special place in my heart. I believe they embodied that cross culture feeling, form NY skate, rap, to punk, hardcore, jazz and art, but also boundless experimenting and fun. Definitely a huge influence on me. A very similar style to my life and work. #RIPMCA

S.O.O.N x Mr Phomer, 2015.
S.O.O.N x Mr Phomer, 2015.

Make sure to follow our Spotify playlist to get new tunes every month. We’ll be back in December with some more music to inspire your daily grind.