Introducing Music to Work to, our new monthly instalment where one artist, studio or collective will take over our Spotify to share with us some of the music that inspires their creative output. So, tune in and see where our playlist takes you each month.
October’s playlist has been curated by London based illustrator and lover of all things colour, Lynnie Zulu. We chat to Lynnie about her selection below.

How do you use music to help you work?
Music is the best shortcut to get me in the right state of mind with my work. When I start work I like to detach myself by setting the tone with some energetic (sometimes utterly chaotic) music, so there’s no way of producing something that is too measured or precious and usually something pretty uninhibited will arise.

Sum up your playlist in one sentence.
A sensual swim, deep into the sea of one of my paint pots.
What vibe have you gone for?
It’s kind of a compressed playlist of what I would listen to from the morning through to the dead of night. Some old loves that always provide a stirring motivation and some new discoveries in there like Eurythmics – Aqua, I’ve never really listened to an LP of theirs. Whilst I was doing an art residency in New York I was initially drawn to their ‘Touch’ cover artwork. Their crackly synth sound is so tasty on vinyl.
Many of the songs have a night vibe, it’s my favourite time to work so maybe that’s why.

Are you a headphones or speakers listener?
Speakers. I have to be close to them and it has to be loud! Although I probably thrash around a hell of a lot more when I have my headphones on, so that’s fun too.
What’s your favourite track within this playlist?
I think Higgs Boson Blues by Nick Cave. I would take it to a desert island with me. I love the looming repetitiveness of the song, his lyrics give me an abundance of energy. I’ve been in love with his work for a very long time and his songs never fail to rumble up a lot of creativity within me.
Follow our playlist on Spotify to keep up to date every month. We’ll be back in November with another guest selector.