Was your childhood creative?
Yes. I drew all the time (mostly Ninja Turtles and silly made-up characters!) My mum was always great at drawing and I think it rubbed off on me early on.
You make 2D collages, motion graphics and animations. But across all your work there’s a definite sense of movement and life. Can you talk a little about the relationship between these different parts of your practice?
I try to make stuff when I feel like it, and equally I try not to let my lack of understanding of certain tools hold me back. I don’t focus on perfection, in fact I’d say I’m actively trying to make mistakes as I work, as I’ve found mistakes can steer you into unexpected areas

Are you possessive of your ideas as an artist?
I don’t like copy cats, but if someone takes something I’ve created and builds upon it in a meaningful way then I’m all for it.
I don’t focus on perfection
When did you feel you’d arrived as an artist?
Only about two years ago, before that I think I’d have considered myself more a ‘designer’. For me, the difference between one point and the other was that I used to get booked to work on something that a client had in mind, so I was working to someone else’s brief and vision. Now, I get booked to just do my own thing (mostly), so the creative control is mine alone.

And then perhaps relatedly, you have a very distinctive visual style, how did you arrive at it? And how did you know you’d found ‘your’ style?
I have lots of collage artists who influence me, and these influences led me to create a character design for a video project. I had so much fun and the process suited me so much that I just knew it was something I wanted to carry on with.
Nothing is finished
When do you know something you’re working on is finished?
Nothing is finished. There’s always something you can add or take away, but sometimes good enough is good enough. The sweet spot is when you’ve impressed yourself. Sometimes this is even accompanied by an adrenaline surge and goosebumps!

Do you think artists have a responsibility to be political?
Artists don’t have a responsibility to do anything, but their experiences should be conveyed in one way or another and if that falls into politics, then so be it. When I’m creating it’s all about what pleases my eye. Once it’s published it’s up to the viewer what it means to them.